Credo x Students

Credo Journal — januar 18

With the start of the new year, we’re excited to share that we will treat students with a special offering.

We operate with fragile margins here at Credo, working with small-scale producers and the price always (and should always) reflect the worth of the produce. Because we strongly believe young people are our future, and because we want as many people to get inspired and learn about the food system, we’re pleased to offer this to you.

Each Wednesday we dedicate two tables for students with the signature Credo set menu at the discounted price of 1900,- (per person - wine pairing not included in the offer). Bring proof of your student ID and your curiosity, and we’ll start the experience with you.

F ø r s t e m a n n til mølla / first come, first served

Reserve your table via email at
Mark your email ‘Studentonsdag’.


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