Fannremsgården, Orkdal

Credo Journal — December 15

Milk, Sour Cream, Butter and Cattle of historical scope.

Jon Fredrik, a defender of tradition, a knight of old crafts, both in his making of butter and sour cream, as well as in his needlework. 

- My knowledge and craft are really of historic clothing, og textiles and traditions, he says, but milk and butter, well, it's a big part of the same culture. And the farm is my inheritance, it's been in my family for centuries. 

Jon Fredrik has seven cows, the same type of bovinae kept in this area before the more productive NRF (Norwegian Red Cow) came along. Sidet Trønder has no English name, but if you imagine a cow smaller than a modern cow, almost of the size of an overgrown Grand Danoise only stockier, you're on the right track. These cows, selected away in early modernization of agriculture doesn't produce the average 10.000 liters of milk as the NRF. They are more in the lower three-digit number, but for Jon Fredrik that isn't a problem.

- It's not the quantity we are looking for, he says with a smile.

Back to the butter - shaped as an object of desire, it is placed in the middle of the tavle as something to worship. Butter has always been the center of attention, it's golden color proves its value, the value of milkfat. For many years, butter was the main (and sometimes the only) income for farmers. They sold the butter and kept the skimmed milk and the buttermilk for their own use. 

Jon Fredrik delivers most of his milk to Restaurant Credo, the rest he keeps for his own guests, as his farm has quite a few visitors interested in traditional crafts and farming. His house, kept the way his grandparents had it, only adding items of numbers that would surpass the amount of memorabilia in a national museum of a mid-sized country. 

Fannremsgården is located in Orkanger, in a typical inland climate. The soil is based on sand and moll, perfect conditions for crops and grass. And the weather, well - The sun always shines when I'm home, Jon Fredrik says. 

Aside from the "Sidet Trønder" for his milk, sour cream and butter production, Jon Fredrik also have hens for eggs, and gorses for leisure. You can visit him to try out all his products, and also yo buy traditional handcrafted products in his little shop. The butter alone is worth the trip. But to really get the very best taste of Jon Fredrik's butter, just close your eyes and remember the potato cake, served here at Credo. 

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