Skjølberg Søndre, Svorkmo

Credo Journal — December 15

Vegetables and other edible growths, duck eggs, duck meat, pork and fresh milk.

In the vast green hills of The Valley in Orkdal, guests will get lost of words. This is a heaven of biodiversity. The Valley is filled to the treetops with life in all shapes and sizes, but the valley is most known for its river, which shares its name with the biggest producer of processed foods in Norway. 

The reason this green paradise exists is because of Elin and Carl Erik Östlund's stubbornness and willfull work.

Elin and Carl Erik have been the talk of the valley for some years, not in a good way, more of a head shaking disturbed distrust kind of way, from the other farmers that is. It is not possible to grow the plants you would like to grow here, not the way you are dreaming of anyway, they say. Elin and Carl Erik work after biodynamic principles, and for them the soil is everything. It needs to be healthy and full of life, and in this hill, they started the work of rebuilding the soil. So they carried on, and slowly but decisivly it started to grow, to almost overgrow that small part of the hill facing west.

At the farm they produce root vegetables, cabbage, cucumbers, apple cucumbers, chilies, edible flowers and herbs. They also have the old bovinae "sidet trønderfe", mosk ducks, pigs and the lamb breed "Grå Trønder" and "Gammel Norsk Spælsau". The animals live in harmony with the farm's cyclical philosophy, and are an important supporter of the farm's cycle.

Composting is a big part of the cycle of life at the farm as well, and all the compost from Credo are given to the farm. This process of composting is holistic, and they keep and reuse as much as possible. Lately, they have also started growing micro greens in the cellar during winter.

Diversity, taste, experiences and curiosity for the order of nature is in center at Skjølberg Søndre, and being able to pick honest vegetables and herbs ourselves is the highlight for our restaurant. We appreciate the knowledge Skjølberg Søndre show and teach us about agro-ecological farming, and together, we push the limit of what is possible to grow at Svorkmo.

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